Tecnalia Research & Innovation

Team Leader

María Parco Camacaro

Tecnalia Research & Innovation is a private, independent, nonprofit applied research centre of international excellence. Legally a Foundation, Tecnalia is the leading private and independent research and technology organisation in Spain and one of the largest in Europe, employing 1,378 people (164 PhDs) and with income of € 102 M in 2013. The whole team at Tecnalia has one goal: to transform knowledge into GDP, meaning wealth to improve people’s quality of life by generating business opportunities for industry. TECNALIA is committed to generate major impacts in economics terms, by means of innovation and technological development, addressed by 7 business divisions, covering economics sectors of Energy, Industry, Transportation, Construction, Health and ICT. TECNALIA has been granted over 250 patents and promoted more than 30 spin-off companies. TECNALIA is a key agent in the ERA – European Research Area, holding position 12th among RECs and 26th overall in EC’s 6th FP7 Monitoring Report 2012. TECNALIA actively participates in the governing bodies of several European Technology Platforms and partners in 377 FP7 projects, coordinating 81 of them. In H2020 TECNALIA participates in 37 projects, coordinating 6 of them.